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01603 967967Savings and investments vary greatly in terms of where the money is invested and what they aim to achieve, with options to suit most people’s objectives. Whether you want to save for school fees, a deposit for a house, or an extravagant holiday, it is essential that you hold investments that match your personal attitude to risk and take the best advantage of your taxation status.
With the options of leaving it in the bank, taking out an ISA, investing in a unit trusts and more, there are lots of options to choose from.
Diversification can spread the risk and limit your exposure to one particular area.
Alan Boswell & Co Ltd can create an investment portfolio designed to meet your financial goals and provide a regular review to ensure that this remains on track. We’ll get to know you and your needs, so you hold investments that match your personal attitude to risk and take best advantage of your taxation status.
If you already have a portfolio of investments we can carry out a review to ensure that the various components are performing within your expectations and that your requirements have not changed since the portfolio was originally constructed.
We provide expert advice to help you find the most appropriate savings and investment solution.
Our financial advisers will look at your entire financial situation, taking into account the plans you have for your money, how much is needed for emergencies, and the level of risk you are prepared to take.
The advisers will recommend a solution, arrange for it to be implemented and, if required, review your savings and investments on a regular basis.
Our expert advisers are here to help you understand your savings and investment options and will make recommendations based on your financial objectives.
Whether you want to save for school fees, a deposit for a house, or an extravagant holiday, it is essential that you hold investments that match your personal attitude to risk and take advantage of your taxation status.
Take advantage of your Individual Savings Account (ISA) allowance each year, to make sure more of your savings or investments are benefitting from the tax breaks available.
This depends on the type of savings or investment product you have. Some, such as Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) are tax free, but there are maximum amounts that can be invested each tax year. Our advisers can help find the most appropriate savings or investments solution to meet your objectives.
This will depend on who you hold the investments with. Some funds may have exit penalties if money is withdrawn within a certain timescale. However, even if you are able to access your money easily, if you are considering investing it should be with money that you don’t have any plans for over the next few years, as most investments should be viewed as medium to long term.
The level of risk will differ depending on which assets your funds invest into and in what proportion. Over the longer term, investments have the potential to outperform the returns from other deposit based accounts, but the money you invest will also be at risk of dropping in value. Our advisers will take the time to understand your attitude to investment risk so that the investment solutions recommended are suitable.
Building an investment portfolio is based on several factors, including your attitude to risk, your timescale, and your goals. We take a look at the different types of investment portfolios, and how we would approach your financial goals.
Investment portfolios: what you need to need to know to help grow your wealth.
Understanding where and how your money is invested can help you meet your long-term goals and give you peace of mind in the meantime.
Intergenerational wealth planning helps families to pass on money in tax-efficient ways, as well as helping the different generations achieve their financial goals.