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01603 649746The operation of a private sector leasing (PSL) scheme is an effective way to expand housing stock to cope with demand. Many local authorities and housing associations now run successful schemes and they are being supported by growing numbers of landlords who recognise the benefits.
A landlord joining such a scheme will have to confirm they have appropriate landlords insurance in place. However, in many instances, their existing insurance policy will not cover properties in a PSL arrangement.
Having worked with landlords for more than 30 years we fully understand the rental market.
Following the development of PSL schemes, we have created a product in conjunction with SAGIC which provides an insurance solution for anyone joining a PSL scheme.
Many insurance companies will refuse to cover a property that is part of a PSL scheme. Their underwriting is often based on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) being in force, all tenants being successfully referenced and strictly no sub-letting. When joining a scheme it is the landlord’s responsibility to declare this fact to their insurer, failure to do so can invalidate any claim.
The policy cover is wide ranging and we will be delighted to send you full wording for your consideration. In addition to the standard wording, local authorities and housing associations require extra covers and these have been built into the scheme. Most notably, an increase in the property owners’ liability limit to £5,000,000 – this level of indemnity is included automatically.
The insurance policy does not discriminate on tenant type and no tenant referencing is required. In addition, the policy allows the property to be sub-let, a key requirement under a PSL scheme.
We've dealt with Alan Boswell for over 10 years and have always been very impressed by their efficiency.
Alan Boswell Group’s PSL scheme is underwritten by the Salvation Army General Insurance Corporation (SAGIC). We are one of only a handful of insurance brokers with access to this insurer. In addition to comprehensive cover and competitive premiums, SAGIC transfer all profits back to the Salvation Army and a large percentage of this money is directed to homelessness. Their strapline is:
Ethical buildings insurance, helping disadvantaged people in our society.
We truly feel this insurance partner is the perfect choice. By signing up to a PSL scheme you are helping society tackle an ongoing housing problem and any profits made by the insurer are, in part, ploughed back to help the homeless. The relationship between landlord, local authority/housing association, insurance broker and insurer feels right and this was a key consideration when selecting our insurance partner.
Alan Boswell Insurance Brokers has an enviable presence in the residential sector and was named “Independent Broker of the Year” at the annual Insurance Times Awards in 2015. Our landlord’s team was also awarded “General Supplier of the Year” at the 2013 Landlord & Lettings Awards , a title they then held for two years.
We’ve arranged competitive insurance cover for UK landlords, landlord associations, and tenants for more than 30 years and look after £7.5 billion of assets in the commercial and residential property sector, currently arranging cover for more than 55,000 properties.
Alan Boswell Group is a respected Independent Chartered Insurance Broker and leading Independent Financial Planner employing over 350 professionals across eight UK locations.
We fully understand that a local authority or housing association cannot be seen to support or promote Alan Boswell Group. We appreciate that you must be impartial and no individual product or service can be endorsed. Other organisations we work with will make reference to our insurance offering and provide a contact phone number while also suggesting there are other insurers/insurance brokers who may be able to help.
We are passionate about private sector leasing and are committed to ensuring that landlords have the correct insurance policy in force. Failure to take out the right type of policy would invalidate a claim and could tarnish the reputation of private sector leasing.
Simply call our team on 01603 649746 and we will do the rest. We operate on a ‘statement of fact’ basis, so there are no forms to complete and cover can be arranged in minutes.
You have the option to pay monthly by direct debit, for which there is a small additional charge. Alternatively, you can pay annually for your insurance.
Making a claim couldn’t be easier. Simply call our dedicated claims support team on 01603 218099 and we will help you through the process. We will “hold your hand” and work with you to ensure a smooth and timely resolution.
We've dealt with Alan Boswell for over 10 years and have always been very impressed by their efficiency.
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