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Phil Thorpe

Phil Thorpe

Client Director
Rob Reeve

Rob Reeve

Associate Director
Steve Seekings

Steve Seekings

Regional Manager
Mike Greenland

Mike Greenland

Insurer Relationship Manager
Caroline Pyle

Caroline Pyle

Associate Director
Laurence Hill

Laurence Hill

Head of Credit Insurance
Steve Munday

Steve Munday

Account Executive
Male face

Adrian Cooper

Account Executive
Rachel Bird

Rachel Bird

Senior Account Handler
Nigel Cooke

Nigel Cooke

Executive Handler
Kate Rhodes

Kate Rhodes

Client Director
Karl Ferre

Karl Ferré

Account Executive
Cathy Smith

Cathy Smith

Human Resources Officer
Martin Taylor

Martin Taylor

Account Executive
Mark Harries

Mark Harries

Account Executive
Fraser Confrey

Fraser Confrey

Account Executive
Josh Simpson

Josh Simpson

Account Executive
Luke Haines

Luke Haines

Account Handler
Hayley Martin-Hogg

Hayley Martin-Hogg

Senior Account Handler
Sarah White

Sarah White

Account Handler
Steve Saunders

Steve Saunders

Account Handler
Charlotte Chase

Charlotte Chase

Business Insurance Adviser

Alison Fox

Account Executive
Daniel Jordan

Daniel Jordan

Business Insurance Adviser
Amy Brown

Amy Brown

Account Handler
Marek Tabaczynski

Marek Tabaczynski

Account Executive
Roy Lunnon

Roy Lunnon

Claims Handler
Sophie Fletcher

Sophie Fletcher

Account Handler
Nick Drew

Nick Drew

Account Handler
Sally Prest

Sally Prest

Manager - Commercial Handler Team
Female face

Angie Wells

Claims Handler
Christine Bailey

Christine Bailey

Claims Administrator
Connor Whelan

Connor Whelan

Account Executive
Graham Burling

Darren Brignell

Account Handler
Female face

Donna Gladden

Account Handler
Female face

Emma Bodsworth

Account Handler
Graham Burling

Graham Burling

Account Handler
Helen Cinque

Helen Cinque

Senior Account Handler
Ian Bowes

Ian Bowes

Account Executive
Jo Tippett

Jo Tippett

Senior Account Handler
Kelly Clayton

Kelly Clayton

Account Handler
Female face

Liz Haycock

Account Handler
Nicola Wilson

Nicola Wilson

Account Handler
Paul Sissons

Paul Sissons

Executive Handler
Graham Burling

Will Lakin

Claims Handler
Scott Taylor

Scott Taylor

Account Handler
Denise Wesley

Denise Wesley
